Monday, November 12, 2007

Prototype #2 - 2

A lot of code from the first prototype was reused, so this time I move forward much much faster. I program just in LUA, so this makes quite easy to extend the prototype with any functionality I'd like. A year ago I made a simple game engine to provide LUA machine with base render functions, so now, for example, I can easily render OpenGL commands just from scripts, or handle textures and fonts.


_Andrey_ said...

Do you plan to add support for Mac OS X and Linux?

barabanus said...

Yes, I do. I've been using crossplatform libraries like SDL, OpenGL and Lua.

As for Linux, prototypes can be easily run under wine emulator, though you'll need two dll's for that.

_Andrey_ said...

I talk about native applications, without WINE.

barabanus said...

I do plan to port the project to Linux and MacOS.